Foreign Press Comics in 2022
Foreword: I know that October is a weird time to do a year-in-review post, but who cares. I’m doing it anyway.
So 2021 was a weird year for Foreign Press. Most of the year was spent dedicating a lot of time and effort toward the Fletcher Cross anthology, which was unsuccessful on Kickstarter. But as corny as it sounds, that “failure” was also a great learning opportunity. We’ve seen what we can do, and the excitement that a great project can bring. There have also been a lot of lessons learned as far as how to run a better Kickstarter, and how to improve as a company.
However, besides how Fletcher Cross turned out (and it just might be coming back), we’ve had some other great things happen! Two issues of Outlaw Country came out with a third on the way, Comics Unscripted (our podcast) began to great success, and we’ve announced our first project for 2022, the futuristic action one-shot Valkyrian!
Valkyrian, written and drawn by Kylar Merrell
Coming up in the more immediate future, we have interviews with Toben and Alaire Racicot (Crown and Anchor), Steve Urena (Zombie Date Night), Comical Foods, and From Scratch Comics. Soon, I’ll also have next year’s schedule ready!
Anyway, perhaps the greatest thing to come out of 2021 was the decision to learn more as an editor/publisher/business-person. We’ve had some tough moments, and those moments have forced us to declare who we are as a company, and what we want to be. We’ve developed a mission statement, and a vision statement. We’ve declared the values that are important to us, that we want to hold onto as we move into the future.
I guess a lot of that doesn’t mean a lot to the casual reader, but it’s a part of the steps being taken to further our brand and move into more serious spaces. You may be noticing that these updates are coming in a new format, which is just another small part of an ongoing process to become better for ourselves and the comic community as a whole. So if you’re reading this, it means you’re supporting Foreign Press, and it’s always good to know that there are supportive people in our corner.
Much love.